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Harvard Information for Employees (HARVie)

In 2008, Harvard University was undergoing a school wide re-branding initiative. As a part of that, the Office of Human Resources wanted an easier-to-navigate site structure and updated visual design for their employee intranet.

I conducted user research, including user interviews and card sorting, to re-organize the site architecture. I was the visual designer and front-end developer for site templates that were handed off to the Harvard development team.

Employer: Pixel Bridge
Year completed: 2008
Time frame: 12 months
Team size: 3

My roles:
User Researcher
Information Architect
Visual Designer
Front-end Developer

Harvie Ia2

Harvie architecture diagram

Harvie Home Wire

Harvie home page wireframe

Harvie Landing Wire

Harvie section landing page wireframe

Harvard Information For Employees (HARVie)
Harvie Landing

Harvie section landing page design

Harvie Co Pays

Harvie section page design

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